Let me first say that I was in shock when my husband actually told me we were going to have a walkout basement. I mean HUGE project! Involving HUGE equipment! Scary HUGE mess – is all I could think of. I might’ve even proclaimed that the house would fall down. But, as he has proven to me time and time again, he could do it and make it great!
Check out what I mean…
And it starts. Boys and big equipment are actually pretty funny – although I have to admit I had a strange to desire to hop on that thing and start digging holes. I think if my dad had one of these things growing up we’d have had holes everywhere – I’m not sure why but he seemed to think he was going to build an addition onto our home, needless to say we had footings dug for…I don’t know 10 or 15 years. Hmmm wonder if that’s where all my fears of big projects started? Love ya dad – as for mom, good luck on the addition 😉
Remember the mess I was talking about? Yeah it rained…a lot…and this wasn’t even the half of it.
In the meantime…while this hole sat for awhile…waiting for the cinder block cutter thingy…B decided to paint the entire lower area of the house and complete the quarter log trim.
Alright, when B was explaining how he was going to do the steps I was completely lost. On any project we’re working on, B will walk me through the process (over and over) until I get it…I’m not sure why I couldn’t get it. I finally just told him to do it. I mean at this point I’ve got to trust him right?
The old railroad ties for stairs are awesome. Love the rustic look and and how they’ll weather over time.
B’s biggest concern with this whole thing was the possibility of water getting in. He dug a deeper 1-2foot trench a couple of feet before the door and put smaller pebbles in it to allow for better drainage. Each stair is lined with plastic on an angle going away from the house. The rocks are pretty deep. Every time it rained (for the entire summer this was finished), B would say “ok here we go, this is the test.” It has never leaked…basement is dry as a bone…job well done boys!
I think if we were staying here I’d like to paint the door…not sure what color but I thought I’d throw that out there.
U.P. Update: B would like to move K and I to the resort house in a couple of weeks. I can’t believe it’s coming up so quickly. And you know what that means…spring is in the air! Us Michiganders also know what that means…we will probably get another snow storm or two.
This is not actually my family, however it really did happen last year on Lake Superior…80 degrees and ice. Sigh…good times – ha
Thanks again to some awesome friends that have helped along the way – we love you – we might give you a discount to come visit us at the resort…haha, just kidding…no really.
Oh and finally…my quick tip on getting a super clean home…have a house showing! I don’t think the house has ever been this clean. So let’s pray it sells, it would be perfect timing.
Any scary house projects? I’d love to hear about it! Comment below! I love comments! Am I shouting? Until next time…
Why is it whenever you start a project like this it always rains! We had the same problem with our renovation, tradesmen slopping around in mud and holes filled with water. Still it does allow you to see what areas might be a problem.
Very true Carrie! And glad to know we’re not the only ones that Mother Nature doesn’t cooperate with, lol…figures