While reviewing my photo files recently I realized there are so many that I haven’t shared – so a quick warning about this post – it’s very photo heavy! Our resort year in review will include some highlights that include some of you and a great big thanks for our fantastic first year!
Unfortunately there are some of you we weren’t able to capture but are not far from our thoughts. What you mean to us…as family, as friends, as guests, as the amazing people that make up Twin Cedars Resort, because without you, the continuation of this beautiful Up North getaway wouldn’t be possible.
So here’s to you! Our Resort Year in Review 2015
Susie, Dan and the kids with Bob on the dock.
Father’s Day 2015 – Bob and I were lucky enough to have both our families here to celebrate.
One of many delicious cakes, made by Debra, that we had this year.
Harold with my Dad, Dana. Kylee behind Braydon – no he didn’t grow an extra pair of arms 😉
Stacey came to visit all the way from Florida.
Matt with Bob, he’s been coming to the resort since he was a weee little one.
During the big hustle of painting projects it looked like we were arranging for a yard sale! Thanks to the customers that were here during this time…they just role with it.
And since Bob never sits still…window washing…I like to get photos of this because it’s proof that he really can clean 😉
We have an abundance of different wildlife here. Unfortunately this little robin thought one of the hanging baskets would make a good nest. That has got to be the most beautiful color in the world though.
Our loons that come back every year. It seemed they had their baby a little late this year but all went well and we’ll keep a watch for their return.
One of the many breath taking sunsets we get to experience here. They never get old!
I kept wondering how the birdseed was disappearing so fast. Apparently we cater to these little stinkers too.
If you’ve been coming to Twin Cedars for any length of time then you are pretty familiar with our ducks and most have been privileged to feed them right out of their hands.
A goal for the coming year is to get better at shooting photographs, but these are pretty good.
There’s just something about this one that gets to me every time I see it. Taken from Bob’s boat.
Speaking of Bob’s boat…
Harold and Judy’s anniversary cookout.
Craig and Lisa at the kids table
Craig and Barb – Barb and John
Mother and Daughter – Judy and Lisa
Bob showing off his ribs from the new smoker…yum!
Oh that tear rolling down his cheek was just too cute not to post.
Hey Lisa are you trying to mimic the satellite dish behind you?
Catching frogs, a favorite Twin Cedars pastime.
Lots of laughs with Harold and 3 generations from the Matthews’ Family.
Bob taking a load off…hmmm that’s actually pretty rare.
He told me I wasn’t allowed to use this picture…I said ok sure…What? I couldn’t help it! Haha!
We actually do have a lot of fishing going on around here. John J. with Bob and the bass. Joe and Linda coming in on the boat.
Better times with the pontoon…and if you missed it…
And because I’m usually behind the camera…Kylee captured this one of me!
The snow took awhile to arrive this year and on 12/27/15 we finally have ice on the lake…hoping for some skating yet this year…I mean we do still have a long winter ahead…
Hope you’ve enjoyed this post. Here’s to sending out 2015 and ringing in the New Year! Hope it’s filled with laughter, love and all that you hold dear!
We’ll be looking forward to our next summer season.
Great pictures.
Thanks Chuck!
Really enjoyed this and all the pictures. Would have liked to share this with friends but couldn’t figure out how.
Haha Mom! You crack me up…I’ll show you how to share 🙂 Glad you liked it!