It ain’t all sunshine and daffodils…it’s a process.
I warned my hubby when we started this journey that I’d have my “moments.” You all know the ones…when you’re about to rip out your hair because the stress of it all is just too much. Because among everything you’re trying to keep up with – work, mothering to a teen daughter, wife, cook, housekeeper, chauffeur, event planner, hostess, resort co-owner, organizer – is becoming just that much over the line but you have no choice but to keep going.
I would have to say I’m a bit of a contradictory. I love change! I hate change! It’s the mess that comes along with it that makes me nuts.
No matter what type of change, there’s always a mess in its wake.
Do you ever look around at people who are in the middle of a big life change, a good one even, but think “there’s just no way that person can be that happy all the time?”
I’m not that person…but they inspire me all the same.
Often times we look on social media, television or gorgeous décor/diy blogs and swoon over the great accomplishments of their labor. Did you know that they most likely went through a huge mess to get there?
So I dream about what I’ll do when I win the lottery (as I’m sure the rest of the country did when the PowerBall was over a billion dollars). Get everything done around here…by a pro…so I can live it up somewhere tropical while being catered to with a drink that has an umbrella in it, while leisurely strolling the beach watching the dolphins frolic in the salty ocean…ugh! Back to reality!
I actually did have those exact thoughts but then, oddly enough, I wondered what would become of my blog? Oh I know I would find something else to write about…travel blog comes to mind?? Hmmm…might be playing again.
Anyway, the whole point to this post today is to give you guys a little glimpse into what’s been going on around here. I keep talking about all of the renovations and how great everything is gonna be and how soon this part will be done and that I’d share it all with you…but let’s face it!
I’m sick of the mess! And who wants to see our mess? The People want Pretty, right?
I see such beautiful home décor sites and I envision how I’ll present it to you here…when it’s all done…when everything is in order…because I like order!
Actually, I LOVE order!
Clutter makes me batshit crazy! At 20 years old I once locked myself in my mom’s bathroom with a garbage bag and cleared out all of her drawers (we still talk about that, sorry mom!). Or, for example how I go around at work and close all the cupboards (any of you ladies reading this know what I’m talking about). How my desk there is super clean with a place for everything. Sometimes I feel guilty about because it may not look like I’m busy…but don’t you find that you can be more productive in an organized environment?
Awhile back I wrote a post about how I was feeling with the moving process. How I would start to shut down when it all became so overwhelming. Stuff everywhere and so much to do that I would short circuit.
I don’t do that as often as before. Mainly because of that awesome hubby of mine. He who is so tolerant of my rants about clutter and my tripping over stuff and my “how-in-the-world-am-I-supposed-to-get-anything-done-around-here’s,” is so completely inspiring.
His motivation moves me…literally!
I could have only dreamed of a man like that…but he’s the real deal folks.
Reality of Renovations: The Ugly Pictures
This was demo day…I was so excited! With everything cleared out the carpet would soon be removed.
And that mirror! We were told that there was a mural behind it but really it was wallpaper with mountains in the background…sorta weird for this area of the world, but hey to each his own, right? I’m sure there are a couple Twin Cedars Resort frequenters out there that will be interested in that 😉
These are process pics, not beautiful, yet…
It’s not done…
But it’s becoming more than I could’ve imagined…just before the bathroom demo and and during the bathroom demo.
Things are getting better…bathroom in progress.
There is light at the end of the tunnel…the glue left behind after removing the drop-ceiling tiles.
I’m actually really happy I wrote this post. It helps to put things into perspective. My advice for anyone going through renovations?
Even if your not a blogger…which most people aren’t…because it takes some weird people to put their life online…and their mess out there – haha!
Take pictures of your progress along the way. It helps in more ways than just seeing how far you’ve come, like for example…the several occasions we needed to remember where that stud was 😉
And before you all say, “I don’t see that much stuff everywhere?” Believe me, it’s there! You can’t see it because it’s in every other nook and cranny we could find to stuff it in…for now.
And so is my attitude about them.
As things start to shape up, we’ll get settled back down and our resort season will start. I’m so excited about that! Gosh you guys, last year was so chaotic…for all of us. I suppose if we could survive that, then this year will be a slice of pie…or something like that.
Want to know more about our Resort? Start here… Then checkout the Cabins here…
Follow along on Instagram…that’s where the pretty pictures are!
This week a group of my blogger friends and I have started a new hashtag…oh I feel so official! We’ll be posting daily using #DecorontheDaily…check it out and join the fun! Grow your own community and get inspired.
Renovations are funny, in that you want to do them – but while living through them you think what the heck were we thinking… Then the project is done and you live nice and happy (aka clean and organized) but soon enough, it’s time to plan the next project!
I guess that’s the crazy cycle of a DIYer 🙂
You got that right Nicole! So funny how I complain about it now but I’m already dreaming about starting the kitchen reno next fall – haha! Somehow I think, “oh it’ll be so much more organized next time…” That’s how it goes but I wouldn’t have it any other way…