Another gorgeous weekend, another haul and another bruise?
B has been “at work” most of the week (that’s what we call it when he’s busy at the resort…but you know how the story goes…you never work a day in your life if you love what you’re doing).
I have to admit that my best advise for spring cleaning is to move. Freeing ourselves from the clutter, organizing everything, opening windows and letting the fresh air in…ahhh. Am I the only one that loves to straighten all of the cleaning supplies on the shelves, turning all of the labels forward…putting them in alphabetical order?…ok not the last one that’s a little extreme. However, I’ve discovered that a resort requires a stockpile of supplies and my sick obsession with organizing is a match made in heaven.
While K and I did all that, B and a great friend of ours helped with a huge haul to the resort house. With opening weekend only 2 weeks away, there is still a ton to get done but things are moving along and it’s just going to take some time to get settled.
Sorry to the new owners, but the feeder is going with us. We’ve had as many as 10 deer at a time, families of rabbits, crazy racoons and flocks of birds. This sits just outside one of the basement windows complete with a spot light – B rarely misses a detail. We could actually watch them from our bedrooms, too. I guess we had to create the scenery but if you saw Moving on U.P. part 1, then you’d know our view is about to change dramatically.

I stepped inside to check things out…wow things look so bare. This is B’s mounted tv wall he created to avoid seeing wires…ummm I hope the new owners plan on putting their tv here…
For any of you who’ve been to the resort I’d like to give you some updates:
- all of the ancient tube tv’s are out and replaced with new mounted flat screens and dvd players
- satellite tv will soon be connected to all of the cabins and motel rooms
- we’ve replaced some of the chairs in each unit
- those icky roll away beds have been removed allowing for a lot more space…I’m pretty sure no one has used them in years
- we did keep one small roll away that will be available…this one isn’t icky
- we replaced the full size mattress set with a queen in “The Honeymoon Cabin” (#4)
- New this year! 6 Kayaks! B rigged 3 of them for use while fishing…each have 2 fishing pole holders, water bottle holder and paddle/net holder
We took a break so K could go for a test run. It was a bit windy but she’s a pro. My parents live on a river and she grew up canoeing and kayaking.
This tractor was our first big purchase as a married couple 7 years ago. I have to say it’s still going strong and obviously very useful 😉
Almost forgot to explain the bruise. I’m sort of embarrassed about this one. While enjoying the beautiful morning and gazing up at my glorious surroundings, admiring the ducks flying by…I walked straight into a very solid and perfect-level-to-my-knee, picnic table. B and friend asked me what happened as I was doubled over and grimacing in pain. I really didn’t want to admit it in that moment…I swear I’m bound to beat myself up.
Not to be outdone however, B did a number on finger…smashing and splitting it against a wall. And K? she wouldn’t be left out with a little cut to her first digit. It was not our most graceful weekend, but it was incredibly productive.
Final wound count at publish date…6…and 10 if you count the whole family.
Despite our trauma I’m actually considering a mock move about every 5 years. Everything out on the lawn, 4 piles…keep, donate, recycle and toss.
And finally our last snow pile for your viewing pleasure…May 3rd need I remind you…
Oh spring how I’ve missed you…
You make it all look so easy. I hope our move goes so smoothly. We may sell our house this week!!
There have definitely been some rough patches along the way but we couldn’t have done it without the help from friends. Things are finally happening with that pesky housing market. Got my fingers crossed for you!
How cool?! Move to the UP and buy a resort! I can’t wait to follow along! You guys are kicking butt!!!
Thanks so much Sara! Very exciting, scary, fun, crazy…Exciting! 🙂