Small towns all across northern Michigan are known as tourist destinations. Many with their own unique distinctions, but few are as recognizable for its differences as Mackinac Island. Visiting Mackinac Island is a magical experience, taking you back in time and is everything a summer vacation should be.
A spring filled with lilacs and a festival to celebrate them.

photo cred:
Summer spent biking the circumference, riding horse-drawn carriages and partaking in a final Fort Mackinac war reenactment.

Fort Mackinac by Wading in Big Shoes
Fall brings festivities of all kinds including an entire weekend of Halloween fun.

visiting Mackinac Island – fall by Jill Sawatzki for Bree 1948 blog
As a tourist, have you ever considered those who call the island their home? Actually if you’ve ever visited, I’m certain you’ve contemplated it. You imagine a simpler life. One without cars and a community woven together like the old afghan your grandma knitted.
But in all that wonder you snap out of it and think, “yeah…there’s like nothing essential here, you have to travel off the island to get the ‘real’ shopping done and what about winter?”
Which brings me to a point we must consider; Mackinac Island has its own, almost, sub-culture. One where those who’ve only been born as raised there can be called “islanders.” Yes, there are transplants, much like me and the U.P. but one cannot simply become a yooper because of their current residence, same goes for Mackinac Island.
Then come the “cottagers.” These are the owners of summer vacation homes. And of course we have business owners, many who either live on the island year-round or move over to the mainland after closing up shop in winter. Seasonal workers are part of the summer influx too.
AND we must not forget “Fudgies” to round out our list. I’m not too proud to say this is where I stand in the hierarchy and likely your role in this traveling relationship.
Now that we’ve established an understanding we must now explore my 7 Rules when visiting Mackinac Island.
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*Disclosure: I am clearly not an islander, but I will attest to my solid research and credible sources – those whom I must not name…for the sake of protection…haha!
Fudgie Guide for Visiting Mackinac Island
Let’s start prior to your arrival and work our way through all 7 Rules when visiting Mackinac Island.
Fudgie Rule #1
Do Not pronounce the “c” at the end of Mackinac Island – it’s silent! This can be confusing, so stay with me here. No matter what NAC or NAW you read they are all the same. Examples: Mackinaw City, Mackinac Bridge, Fort Michilimackinac, the Straits of Mackinac or even Mackinac Straits Hospital. Seriously! This will give you instant fudgie status – not a bad thing, but locals can get really annoyed by this, even the mainlanders and they likely won’t correct you. Picture giggles from the youngins, eye roles from the teens and possible whispers of dumb ass from others.
Fudgie Rule #2
When standing in line at your chosen Ferry boat dock you must be ready. Do not be the guy waiting first in line for 15 minutes only to not have your ticket at hand, fishing endlessly, swearing “it was just here!”

Mackinac Island Ferry boat by magoolooping
Fudgie Rule #3
Yes, dogs are welcome on the ferry boats. Who doesn’t love dogs? Islanders are no exception, however one must not allow their precious pups to occupy a ferry seat. Lap dogs go in your lap, otherwise they should be on the floor waiting patiently for the 15-30 minute boat ride.
Fudgie Rule #4
While disembarking feast your eyes on the sites…and smells…yes there are many horses…they poop! It’s life. Don’t make a stink about it – haha – see what I did there? Ok sorry I can’t help myself, onward!

visiting Mackinac Island – photo cred The Awesome Mitten
Fudgie Rule #5
Islanders, cottagers, biz owners and their seasonal workers alike appreciate that you are here, that’s what keeps them here. But while you’re meandering through town, deciding which fudge shop is the best or whether you should hit up the Haunted Theatre (likely no) or head out to the Butterfly House – pay attention here – Stay Out Of The Road! You learned this at a really young age, please don’t let it escape you now.

Mackinac Island – The Original Butterfly House
I know there aren’t any cars but there are bikes, lots of bikes and lots of horses, which can be dangerous. I will tell you that there is nothing that will peeve an islander off more than a tourist losing all sense of direction, guided only by thoughts of ice cream and whose only brought their 5 year old brain with them from the mainland.
Fudgie Rule #6
If you find yourself in one of the many bars or restaurants and overhear a conversation that makes you believe these must be the elusive, permanent inhabitants of Mackinac Island that we must call “islanders,” do not feel compelled to strike up an interview of their island life. Yes, it’s fascinating but believe me it won’t be well received even though I know you have only the best intentions.
Fudgie Rule #7
Prepare for the prices, don’t complain about them. This is big and one thing to remember: Mackinac Island makes 90% of its money in 5 months, not only that but the simple fact that it’s an ISLAND! It takes a lot to get all that stuff delivered, from the food to merchandise to, believe it or not, the horses. Yes, you read that right. The horses board the ferries every spring to start the season and again in the fall to winter elsewhere.
While Mackinac Island can be expensive, it’s essential you don’t complain to the staff you encounter because they’re likely the seasonal workers that can’t do a thing about it anyway. And if you’re unwilling to pay then there is surely someone else who will. Enjoy the moment and worry about your bank account later.

visiting Mackinac Island – Grand Hotel by
This article is meant to be lighthearted and not at all an insult (as you read before I’m the fudgie in all this banter and certainly have broken a rule or 2). I’d love to hear about your amazing Mackinac Island visit! Comment below!
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Super article! Thank you for sharing your insights!!
Thanks Christy!
A one of a kind place to visit. Love every minute spent on the island and thanks for the rules. I hope I have never broken any of them. Can’t wait to return!
Haha, no worries Joyce, I’ve broken a rule or 2. Definitely unique!