We’ve been quite occupied this fall, both with customers and with work around the resort. Welcoming guests for the color season is always great but our maintenance is never ending. And now the time has come once again when our docks on the lake must be disassembled for their long winter’s nap.

These iconic Twin Cedars – red docks have been around for as long as anyone can remember. Bob’s parents having owned the resort for 42 years before we purchased in 2015 and they’re still going strong. Although, I’ve been a little curious about how many layers of red paint might have been slathered on over the years.
Just like trying to figure out how many licks it takes to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop – one may never know!
I wonder if we’ll ever replace these old docks on the lake? Bob has actually talked about it but I can’t picture anything else being quite right. The wide slats and ancient wooden work horses that suspend the docks over the water takes some getting used to.

A bit shaky at first but rest assured she’s sturdy!
Remembering our first spring here puts a smile on my face. Bob and I had to put docks in ourselves… at least the physical part but Harold was our spotter. If you ever knew him you would know he was always an expert directer. Because if you didn’t line that dock up at the precise angle from the start, you’d be way off by the time you got the last section on.

Not good if you have boats with motors that need to comfortably nestle in their slots.
But now we rely on a couple of 2×4’s that are screwed in place to act as our directer each spring. Oh how we wish we could have the real one back, even if it was just one more time…

Most people don’t quite understand the work it takes to run a resort, even one this small. Which makes us feel so blessed to have amazing friends that are always willing to lend a helping hand.
Because I can tell you with certainty that dock assembly and disassembly is not an easy task. Especially the last T section – which for me is over my head – literally!

There’s something very comforting each fall when the docks are all pulled and the boats are lined up on the lakefront lawn. The weather is cooler, nights are longer and the days feel cozy.

In contrast, we also love our spring. Things are coming to life, the docks are freshly arranged for the summer season and excitement of our incoming guests take over. Each season so different but perfect in their own way.
How lucky we are to experience the beauty of each in the most quaint and lovely lakeside setting.
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Beautiful dock, and it has lasted for so long! I hope you find one that would serve you so well.
Hey Sandy! No plans to replace at this point. I hope it lasts forever!