Want to know the easiest and cheapest way to create curb appeal? B is constantly trying to think of ways for drawing in guests from the tons of traffic going to the boat access next door. It turns out the most simple way took mostly muscle. Using the tree line along the driveway made it easy to create a natural fence line while opening the view from the road.
This line of cedar trees (we have a ton of them…hey, they don’t call it Twin Cedars for nothin’) is an awesome natural fence line, it just needed to be uncovered.
Hmmm, well that’s a start. What do you think? Keep going? Did we take too much off the top?…No going back now!…
I love imagining what they’re thinking and talking about to each other.
We are lucky enough to have guests with a certain amount of expertise and the equipment to get the job done.
This chainsaw was completely fascinating to me and the long handle was very useful when getting into the thick branches. Those landscape, tree-trimmin’ people really know what they’re doing!
The hardest part – clean up!
We absolutely love the way it turned out. We were on the fence…hahaha, ok that was corny…about whether or not we should cut the trees back. I’m so glad we did!
The little stone out-building is now exposed and looks adorable. When we first talked about moving here and buying the resort, K was thinking she’d make this her little hideout. I’m thinking she changed her mind…it’s the pump house…full of plumbing and pumping stuff, whatever that is. Either way it doesn’t sound fun to me, but it’s super cute.
And could you tell we sell bait at the resort? Haha – that yellow sign is a bit striking, but it works and people come in all the time for their creepy crawlies.
I must admit to the amount of heebie jeebies I experienced when learning to deal with selling bait. Worms and crawlers? no big deal! Did you know they already come packaged in there own little container?
How about leeches, you ask? Ha! I remember the first time B was out on the water in his boat and a costumer popped in for some minnows – that’s a whole different beast!
I actually shot myself in the foot on this one. He asked what was catching the fish and of course relaying the good info our great fishermen were passing along to me, I told him, “leeches have been doing great this year!” I remember thinking…oh no! What did you just do??!!
Naturally he wanted to try leeches, go figure! Now came my true test and I had to face my fears. The nice gentleman stood patiently as I grimaced and tried to shake off what felt like bugs invading my body. If you didn’t know by this post, I’m not a bug person…and apparently not a leech person either!
I never had the nightmares B’s mom had when they first moved here…now she’s a pro and way back then they had to separate out their own crawlers and worms…I mean honestly! I’m not sure I could handle it!
But I’m thinking exposure therapy really does work. I only dance around and freak out a little now, but I guess it depends on who you ask…
I’m happy to report, for my sake, leech season is over…until next year!
HA! This post made me crack up when you were talking about the creepy crawlies – my dad owns a fishing tackle store and I know exactly what you mean. I do love your natural fence line – especially that you didn’t have to plant a row of new trees for it, too!
Oh My Gosh Heather you definitely know what I mean, lol! I’m actually glad we are at the end of the bait season, I was informed yesterday that “Dan the bait man” won’t be dropping anymore off until spring…darn 😉 And thank you for your kind words! I’m thinking a flower bed will be popping up near that row of trees for next year so stay tuned…
Hi Meghan
I think the tree fence line looks awesome. Who knew it would look that great. Very inviting.
You are making such nice improvements. Keep up the hard work, it is really sprucing (ha ha) up your new place. Tell everyone we say Hi!!
Looking forward to seeing your next project.
Next summer can’t come soon enough.
Lynn Stansifer
Thank you so much Lynn! I had such a good time getting to know you and your family during your visit and I’m seriously thinking about the recipe ideas from our cookouts…hmmm – maybe a little blog addition to start next summer?? Can’t wait for you guys to see everything next year!
It really looks great! Enjoy and I love your posts! Say hey to H and J and B from us!
Thank you we are so excited about how things are coming along yet keeping the traditions of Twin Cedars alive. I will definitely give them a hey from you! Thanks for reading!